Saturday, April 25, 2009

MIHAS 2nd practice

this was the 2nd practice for the MIHAS competition
but this time we were just preparing a mock instead of 4 full set
and they were for the meat subclass
do i fare good enough??
why don't you tell me??

kobe carpacio accompany with pistachio rock melon and strawberry vinaigrette

this time we only use tenderloin since kobe is too pricey, we leave it for the last practice...and i'm short of strawberries, replaced it with raspberries..the color just wasn't intense enough after blending.. the garlic coating the meat is just too strong and i was hoping the salt flavor to immerse more into the meat

the top view..urgh..when is my new plates coming?? just couldn't stand with the be truthful, this is just not good enough for me yet..

buttersquash soup with smoked chicken breast and mushroom timbales

1st: flavor of butternut is overpowering that shade of the stock
2nd: the stock just wasn't good enough..mummy made better stock
3rd: onion was just too coarse for timbale and i think shitake/portabellon will be more fragant
4th: of course, waiting the arrival of new soup bowl

lastly, roast rosemary lamb rack with potato choux pastry and saute summer vegetables
1st: its pretty obvious that the meat is overcooked!!
2nd: the sauce wasn't right..its suppose to be really really dark and thick and LESS OILY!!
3rd: the choux pastry should be more brown and even in size

the 1st trial for both subclass just sucks for me!!i wonder is this my only limit or my work have been limited due to intention of others??!!



  1. yo..nice shot!
    well, u mentioned all critics dy!

  2. the 1st shot was urs.coz mine failed..yeah..critics tht will never end
